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Table 1 Publications and PMHC quality measurement initiatives per nation/region

From: Performance indicators for public mental healthcare: a systematic international inventory


Author/organization (year)

Objective of publication/study


Purpose of PI/set/framework



Simpson & Lloyd (1979) [17]

Cohort study relating client perception of program performance to outcomes

Client evaluations of drug abuse treatment in relation to follow-up outcomes

Assess drug treatment effectiveness


Koran & Meinhardt (1984) [18]

Assessment of validity of County Need Index

Social indicators in statewide mental health planning: lessons from California

Promote equity in the distribution of mental health funds


National Committee for Quality Assurance (since 1993) [19]

PI development, assessment of usefulness and feasibility, and implementation

Health Plan/Employer Data Information Set (HEDIS)

Help employers to evaluate and compare performance among HMOs and other health plans


McLellan et al. (1994) [20]

Exploration of patient and treatment factors in outcomes

Similarity of outcome predictors across opiate, cocaine, alcohol treatments; role of treatment services

Evaluate effectiveness of substance abuse treatment in reducing substance use, and improving social adjustment.


Mental Health Statistics Improvement Program (1996) [21]

PI development, review of quality measurement performance initiatives

MHSIP Consumer-oriented Mental health Report Card

Capture and reflect important characteristics of mental health service delivery


Srebnik et al. (1997) [22]

PI development based on literature review and stakeholder-opinion, assessment of PI validity

Outcome indicators for monitoring the quality of public mental health care

Assess the quality of public mental health care by consumers and providers


Lyons et al. (1997) [23]

Determine whether readmissions can service as a PI for an inpatient psychiatric service

Predicting readmission to psychiatric hospital in a managed care environment: implications for quality indicators

Provide program managers, third-party payers, and policy makers with information regarding the functioning of health services


Baker (1998) [24]

PI development and presentation of method of quality monitoring

A PI spreadsheet for physicians in community mental health centers

Demonstrate progress in meeting objectives and implementing strategies for mental health care to legislators and stakeholders


Carpinello et al. (1998) [25]

Explore development, implementation, and early results of using a comprehensive performance management system

Managing the performance of mental health managed care: an example from New York State's Prepaid Mental Health Plan

Reflect the concerns of multiple stakeholders and form a foundation for continuous quality improvement activities and information-reporting products


Pandiani et al. (1998) [26]

PI development and assessment of PI sensitivity and usefulness

Using incarceration rates to measure mental health program performance

Provide program administrators with standardized information of program performance in the area of mental health care


Rosenheck & Cicchetti (1998) [27]

PI development and implementation

Mental health program report card for public sector programs

Tool in improvement of service delivery, mental health system performance, and accountability


Macias et al. (1999) [28]

Assess the worth of mental health certification as a core component of state and regional performance contracting

The value of program certification for performance contracting

Assess the quality and fidelity of 'clubhouse' psychiatric rehabilitation programs


Baker (1999) [29]

Description of management process for financial and clinical PI

PI for physicians in community mental health centers

Report clinical and financial performance to payers of mental health services


Druss et al. (1999) [30]

Examine the association between consumer satisfaction- and administrative measures at an individual and a hospital level

Patient satisfaction and administrative measures as indicators of the quality of mental health care

Provide providers, purchasers and consumers with understandable and measurable information on the quality of health care


Department of Health and Human Services (2000) [31]

Present a comprehensive, nationwide health promotion and disease prevention agenda.

Healthy People 2010--Understanding and improving health

Guiding instrument for addressing health issues, reversing unfavorable trends, and expanding past achievements in health


Huff (2000) [32]

Assess the association between measures of post-admission outpatient utilization and readmission

Outpatient utilization patterns and quality outcomes after first acute ePIode of mental health hospitalization

Provide state, patient advocates and service providers with information to ensure outpatient quality of care


McCorry et al. (2000) [33]

PI development and adoption of core set of PI by health plans, private employers, public payers, and accrediting associations

The Washington Circle Group core set of PI for alcohol- and other drug services for public- and private sector health plans

Promote quality and accountability in the delivery and management of AOD abuse services by public and private organized systems of care


Vermont's Mental Health Performance Indicator Project Multi-stakeholder Advisory Group (2000) [34]

Recommendations for PI to be included in a publicly available mental health report card

Indicators of mental health program performance

Development of a data based culture of learning about the system of care


National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors (2000) [35]

Provide a guide and a framework for the implementation of PI in mental health systems

The NASMHPD framework of mental health PI

Address the need for a standardized methodology for evaluating the impact of services provide through the public mental health system


Siegel et al. (2000) [36]

Framework development and selection of performance measures

PI of cultural competency in mental health organizations

Assess the cultural competency of mental health systems


American college of Mental Health Administration (2001) [37]

PI development, reaching consensus between five national accreditation organizations on quality assessment and measurement

A proposed consensus set of PI for behavioral health

Advance the partnership between consumers, purchasers, providers and others in quality measurement and improvement


Young et al. (2001) [38]

Estimate the rate of appropriate treatment, and the effect of insurance, provider type and individual characteristics on receipt of appropriate care

Survey to assess quality of care for depressive and anxiety disorders in the US

Evaluate mental health care quality on a national basis


California Department of Mental Health (2001) [39]

PI development and identify areas that require special study of feasibility of measures

PI for California's public mental health system

Provide information needed to continuously improve the care provided in California's public mental health system


Eisen et al. (2001) [40]

Provide data that could be used to develop recommendations for an improved consumer survey

Toward a national consumer survey: evaluation of the CABHS and MHSIP instruments

Assess quality of behavioral health from consumer perspective


Chinman et al. (2002) [41]

Illustrate the utility of a continuous evaluation system in promoting improvements in a mental health treatment system

The Connecticut Mental Health Center patient profile project: application of a service need index

Defining the characteristics of the patient population to guide management decisions in caseload distribution and service development


Davis & Lowell (2002a, b) [42, 43]

Demonstrate the value of proper proportions of resources

a. Expenditure on, and b. fiscal structure of mental health care systems and its relationship to suicide rate

Calculate the optimum distribution of community/state psychiatric hospital beds, and cost per capita for mental health care to minimize suicide rate


Dausey et al. (2002) [44]

Examine the relationship between preadmission care and length of inpatient stay, access to aftercare, and re-hospitalization

Preadmission care as a new mental health PI

Assess the quality, continuity, and intensity of care


Minnesota Department of Human Services (2002) [45]

Inform counties and providers of the implementation of PI

PI measures for Adult Rule 79 mental health case management

Report on outcomes from the adult mental health system to comply with state's federal mental health block grant application


Hermann et al. (2002) [46]

Assess utility and applicability of process measures for schizophrenia care

National inventory of measures of clinical processes proposed or used in the U.S.

Assess quality of care for schizophrenia


Pandiani et al. (2002) [47]

Provide a methodological outline for measuring access and identify and discuss a set of decision points in the project

Measuring access to mental health care: a multi-indicator approach to program evaluation

Assess access to publicly funded systems focusing on both general and special populations


Druss et al. (2002) [48]

Asses the relation between mental health care quality measures and measures of general care quality

HEDIS 2000 mental health care PI

Provide purchasers a report card for rating and selecting health plans


CDC--National Public Health Performance Standards Program, (NPHPSP; 2002) [49]

Present instruments for assessment of local and state public health systems

Local and State public health system performance assessment instruments & Local public health governance performance assessment instrument

To improve the practice of public health by comprehensive performance measurement tools keyed to the 10 Essential Services of Public Health


Beaulieu & Scutchfield (2002) [50]

Assess the face and content validity of NPHPSP instrument

Local Public Health System Performance Assessment Instrument

Ensure the delivery of public health services and support a process of quality improvement


Beaulieu et al. (2003) [51]

Assess the content and criterion validity of NPHPSP instruments

Local and State Public Health System Performance Assessment instruments

Measure performance of the local and state public health system


Trutko & Barnow (2003) [52]

Explore feasibility of developing a core set of PI measures for DHHS programs that focus on homelessness

Core PI for homeless-serving programs administered by the US DHHS

Facilitate documentation and analysis of the effectiveness of program interventions


The Urban Institute (2003) [53]

Describe lessons learned from PI development experiment and provide suggestions for other communities

Community-wide outcome indicators for specific services

Balance outcome-reporting requirements of funders for accountability and providers for improvement of services


Greenberg & Rosenheck (2003) [54]

Examine the association of continuity of care with factors (not) under managerial control

Managerial and environmental factors in the continuity of mental health care across institutions

Assess the quality of outpatient care for persons with severe mental illness


Owen et al. (2003) [55]

Examine meaningfulness and validity of PI and automated data elements

Mental health QUERI initiative: expert ratings of criteria to assess performance for major depressive disorder and schizophrenia

Provide clinicians, managers, quality improvement specialists and researchers in the Veterans Health Administration with useful data on clinical practice guidelines compliance


Siegel et al. (2003) [56]

Benchmarking selected performance measures

PI of cultural competency in mental health organizations

Assess organizational progress in attaining cultural competency (CC) and to provide specific steps for implementing facets of CC.


Solberg et al. (2003) [57]

Understand the process, outcomes and patient satisfaction of primary care patients diagnosed with depression

Process, outcomes and satisfaction in primary care for patients with depression

Identify quality gaps and serve as a baseline for quality improvements in health plan depression care


Center for Mental Health Services (CMHS), Substance Abuse and Mental Health Service Administration (SAMHSA), DHHS (2003) [58]

Report on 16-state indicator pilot project focused on assessment, refinement an pilot testing comparable mental health performance indicators

PI adopted from the NASMHPD Framework of Performance Indicators reflecting much of the MHSIP Report Card

Report mental health system performance comparably across states for national reporting, and facilitate planning, policy formulation and decision making at the state level.


Edlund et al. (2003) [59]

Validate the technical quality-satisfaction relationship and examine the effects of selection bias among patients with depressive and anxiety disorders

Satisfaction measures as a reflection of technical quality of mental health care

Provide health care plan and provider quality information to insurers, providers, and researchers for improvement of quality of care for common mental disorders


Virginia Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse Services (2003) [60]

PI implementation and report on outcomes

Virginia's performance outcomes measurement system (POMS)

Provide public mental health authorities with information on consumer outcomes and provider performance to contain costs, improve quality and provide greater accountability


Blank et al. (2004) [61]

Assess efficiency of a selection of POMS indicators and develop recommendations for improving POMS

Virginia's POMS

Continuously improve the quality of services and increase accountability for taxpayer dollars


Charbonneau et al. (2004) [62]

Explore the relationship of process measures with subsequent overall hospitalizations

Guideline-based depression process measures

Estimate healthcare quality and quantify its benefits


Stein et al. (2004) [63]

Evaluate the process and quality of care and examine patient characteristics that potentially determine quality

Quality of care for patients with a broad array of anxiety disorders

Assess the quality of care received in primary care settings for efforts at quality improvement


Druss et al. (2004) [64]

Assess relation between mental health care volume and quality

HEDIS 2000 mental health care PI

Reflect the capacity to treat specialized conditions and as proxy for clinician volume


McGuire & Rosenheck (2004) [65]

Examine the relation between incarceration history and baseline psychosocial problems service utilization, and outcomes of care

Criminal history as a prognostic indicator in the treatment of homeless people with severe mental illness

Provide clinicians and administrators with information on treatment prospects of former inmates


Leff et al. (2004) [66]

Investigate the relationship between service fit and mortality as a step towards understanding the general relationship between service quality and outcomes

Service quality as measured by service fit vs. mortality among public mental health system service recipients

Assess and compare programs and systems, the extent to which an intervention has been implemented in program evaluations, an service need in program and resource allocation planning


Valenstein et al. (2004) [67]

Examine providers' views of quality monitoring processes and patient, provider and organizational factors that might be associated with more positive views

PI drawn from sets maintained and implemented by various national organizations

Provide mental health care providers with feedback about their performance


Mental health recovery: What helps and what hinders? A National Research Project for the Development of Recovery Facilitating System Performance Indicators (2004) [68]

PI development, and assessment of usability and implementation

Recovery oriented system indicators (ROSI)

Facilitate mental health recovery, and bridge the gap between the principles of recovery and self-help and application of these principles in everyday work of staff and service systems


Hermann et al. (2004) [69]

PI selection and assessment of PI meaningfulness and feasibility

Core set of PI for mental and substance-related care

Ensure that systems and providers focus on clinically important processes with known variations in quality of care


Rost et al. (2005) [70]

Explore relation between administrative PI and absenteeism

Relationship of depression treatment PI to employee absenteeism

Provide employers with evidence of the value of the healthcare they purchase.


Mental Health Statistics Improvement Program (2005) [71]

PI development and present toolkit for methodology, implementation and uses

MHSIP Quality Report (MQR)

Reflect key concerns in mental health systems or organizations performance


Washington State Department of Social and Health Services--Mental Health Division (2005) [72]

PI implementation and report on PI information

State-wide publicly funded mental health PI

Help system managers and payers understand trends in services delivery systems and change across time


New York Office of Mental Health (2005) [73]

PI development and implementation

2005-2009 Statewide comprehensive plan for mental health services

Provide a conceptual framework for performance measurement and improvement


Garnick et al. (2006) [74]

Examine different types of PI, how they fit within the continuum of care, and the types of data that can be used to arrive at these measures

PI for alcohol and other drug services

Evaluate how well practitioners' actions conform to guidelines, review criteria or standards to improve access, and quality of treatment


Hermann et al. (2006) [75]

Develop statistical benchmarks for quality measures of mental health and substance-related care

Selected measures from core set of PI for mental and substance-related care

Assess quality of care for Medicaid beneficiaries to inform quality improvement


Mental health recovery: What helps and what hinders? A National Research Project for the Development of Recovery Facilitating System Performance Indicators (2006) [76]

Refinement of self-report survey and administrative profile PI based on feedback from stakeholders

Recovery oriented system indicators (ROSI)

Measure critical elements and processes of recovery facilitating mental health programs and delivery systems


Busch et al. (2007) [77, 78]

PI development informed by APA guidelines for the treatment of bipolar disorder

Quality of care for bipolar I disorder

Assess quality of medication and psychotherapy treatment


Center for Quality Assessment and Improvement in Mental Health (2007) [79]

PI development using an adaptation of the RAND appropriateness method, and assess reliability

Standards for bipolar excellence (STABLE) PI

Advance the quality of care for by supporting improved recognition and promoting evidence-based management


CDC--National Public Health Performance Standards Program (NPHPSP; 2007) [80]

Present the revised instruments for assessment of local and state public health systems

Version 2.0 of the Local and State public health system performance assessment instruments and Local public health governance performance assessment instrument

Provide users with information to identify strengths and weaknesses of the public health system to determine opportunities for improvement


Virginia Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse services (2008) [81]

PI implementation and report on achieved goals

2008 mental health block grant implementation report PI

Monitor the implementation and transformation of a recovery-oriented system



Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI; 2001) [82]

PI development, assessment of feasibility & usefulness

The Roadmap Initiative--Mental health and Addiction Services Roadmap Project. Phase 1 Indicators

Maintain and improve Canada's health system


Federal/Provincial/Territorial Advisory Network on Mental Health (2001) [83]

PI development

PI for Mental health Services and Supports--A Resource Kit

Facilitate ongoing accountability and evaluation of mental health services and supports


Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-term Care (2003) [84]

PI development and mechanisms for implementation

Mental Health Accountability Framework

Increasing health system accountability to ensure services are as effective and efficient as possible


Addington et al. (2005) [85]

PI selection based on literature review and consensus procedure

PI for early psychosis treatment services

Evaluate quality, and assist providers in improving quality of health care



NMHWG Information Strategy committee Performance Indicator drafting group (2005) [86]

Development conceptual framework of performance & PI

Key PI for Australian public mental health services

Improve public sector mental health service quality


Meehan et al. (2007) [87]

Assessment of feasibility & usefulness of benchmarking mental health services

Input, process, output and outcome PI for inpatient mental health services

Benchmarking public sector mental health service organizations

United Kingdom


Jenkins (1990) [88]

PI development

A system of outcome PI for mental health care.

Ensure that clinicians district health authorities and directors of public health can monitor and evaluate mental health care


National Health Service (1999a, b) [89, 90]

Framework and PI development

A National Service Framework for Mental Health; A New Approach To Social Services Performance

Help drive up quality and remove the wide and unacceptable variations in provision.


Shipley et al. (2000) [91]

PI development and validity assessment

Patient satisfaction: a valid index of quality of care in a psychiatric service

Provide PMHC planners with an independent yardstick for mental health services and determine population mental health


Audit Commission (2001) [92]

PI development and application

Library of Local Authority PI

Accountability and benchmarking of local authorities by national government


Jones (2001) [93]

Review of pre-existing PI

Hospital care pathways for patients with schizophrenia

Clarify terms and concepts in schizophrenia care process


Shield et al. (2003) [94]

PI development

PI for primary care mental health services

Facilitating quality improvement and show variations in care


Commission for Health Improvement (2003) [95]

PI development and implementation

Mental health trust balanced scorecard indicators

Improve care provided by mental health trusts and promote transparency in PMHC


Department of Health (2004) [96]

PI development

National Standards, Local Action--health and social care standards and planning framework

Set out the framework for all NHS organizations and social service authorities to use in planning over the next financial three years


NHS Health Scotland (2007) [11]

PI development based on current data, policy, evidence, and expert-opinion

Core set of national, sustainable mental health indicators for adults in Scotland

Determine whether mental health is improving and track progress

UK (cont.)

Care Services Improvement Partnership (2007) [97]

PI development

Outcome indicators framework for mental health day services

Help commissioners and providers to monitor, evaluate, and measure the effectiveness of day services adults with mental health problems


Healthcare Commission (2007) [98]

PI development

The Better Metrics Project

Provide a common set of requirements to ensure safe and acceptable quality health provision, and provide a framework for continuous improvement


Department of Communities and Local Government (2007) [99]

PI development and application

The National Indicator Set (NIS) in Comprehensive Area Assessment (CAA)

Performance management of local government by central government


Association of Public Health Observatories (2007) [100]

Present data on the factors which give rise to poor mental health, mental health status of populations, provision of interventions, service user experience and traditional outcomes

Indications of public health in the English Regions: Mental Health

Provide a resource for regional public health directors, PCT and CSIP directors in making decisions, holding to account those responsible for the delivery and improving mental health of the population.


Wilkinson et al. (2008) [101]

Report on the construction of a set of indicators for mental health and the publication of a report for England's Chief Medical Officer

Indications of public health in the English Regions: Mental Health

Initiating public health action to improve health at a regional level in England


London Health Observatory (2008) [102]

PI development and implementation

Mental health and wellbeing scorecard

Support primary care trusts in monitoring delivery of national health improvement objectives, and improvement of mental health and wellbeing


Care Services Improvement Partnership (2009) [103]

Broaden initial framework to provide for application in mental health services more widely

Outcome indicators framework for mental health services

Ensure the effectiveness and impact of redesigned and refocused services


Association of Public Health Observatories (2009) [104]

PI development, application of pre-existing PI, operationalization of issues, targets and recommendations in policies

Indications of public health in the English regions: Drug Use

Present information on the relative positions of regions on major health policy areas, highlighting differences, to stimulate practitioners to take action to improve health



Gispert et al. (1998) [105]

PI development, assessment of feasibility

Mental health expectancy: a global indicator of population mental health

Reflect the impact that disability due to mental disorders has on population health



Kunze & Priebe (1998) [106]

Development of quality assessment tool

Assessing the quality of psychiatric hospital care: a German approach.

Assessment of quality of care after political reforms to help promote quality.


Bramesfeld et al. (2007) [107]

Implementation of quality assessment tool

Evaluating inpatient and outpatient care in Germany with the WHO responsiveness concept

Evaluate performance of mental health care services to improve responsiveness

The Netherlands


Roeg et al. (2005) [108]

Development of disease-specific concept of quality

Conceptual framework of quality for assertive outreach programs for severely impaired substance abuses

Improve understanding of the relationship between specific program features and effectiveness


Nabitz et al. (2005) [109]

Development of disease-specific concept of quality

A quality framework for addiction treatment programs

Clarify the concept of quality for addiction treatment programs


Nieuwenhuijsen et al. (2005) [110]

PI development & validity assessment

PI for rehabilitation of workers with mental health problem

Assessment of occupational health care to improve the quality of care


Wierdsma et al. (2006) [111]

Application & risk adjustment of PI

Utilization indicators for quality of involuntary admission mental health care

Assess criteria for involuntary admission to inpatient mental health care

The Netherlands (cont.)

Steering Committee--Transparency Mental Healthcare (2007) [112]

Improvement of existing PI and PI development

Basic Set of PI for Mental Health Care and Addiction Care services

Promoting transparency and publication of quality information by mental health and addiction service providers



Bollini et al. (2008) [113]

PI development, operationalization of (PORT) guidelines

Indicators of conformance with guidelines of schizophrenia treatment in mental health services

Monitor the conformance of care with recommend practices and identify areas in need of improvement

South Africa


Lund & Fisher (2003) [114]

PI development and assessment of PI usefulness

Community/hospital indicators in South African public sector mental health services

Assess the implementation of policy objectives over time



Chong et al. (2006) [115]

Application of pre-existing PI and operationalization of guidelines

Assessment of the quality of care for patients with first- episode psychosis

Assess adherence to guidelines in an early psychosis intervention program



National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health (STAKES)--EC Health Monitoring Programme (2002) [8]

PI development and assessment of feasibility and usability

A set of mental health indicators for European Union

Contribute to the establishment of a community monitoring system


Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD; 2004) [10]

PI selection and assessment of utility

Indicators for the quality of mental health care at the health system level in OECD countries

Improve organization and management of care to allow countries to spend their health care dollars more wisely


World Health Organization (2005) [116]

PI development, operationalization of recommendations, assessment of usefulness

Assessment Instrument for Mental Health Systems (WHO-AIMS) version 2.2

Collect essential information on the mental health system of a country or region to improve mental health systems


Saxena et al. (2006) [117]

Describe and compare 4 existing high-income country public mental health indicator schemes

Healthy People 2010; Mental Health Report Card (MHSIP); Commission for Health Improvement Indicators (CHI); European community Health Indicators (ECHI)

Contribute to the development of relevant policies and plans


Hermann et al. (2006) [118]

Report on methods employed to reach consensus on the OECD mental health care indicators

Indicators for the quality of mental health care at the health system level in OECD countries

Facilitate improvement within organizations, provide oversight of quality by public agencies and private payers, and provide insight into what levels of performance are feasible


OECD (2008) [119]

Provide overview of present mental health care information systems to assess feasibility of performance indicators

Indicators for the quality of mental health care at the health system level in OECD countries

Monitor changes on effectiveness and safety patients subsequent to reform of mental health services and facilitate benchmarking