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Table 1 Subject matter of the sessions in the work shop

From: The effectiveness of a health promotion with group intervention by clinical trial. Study protocol




Breathing. Tobacco, learning from experience.


Eating and drinking adequately, a balanced diet.


Elimination. The importance of regular disposal. Guides to avoid constipation. Hygiene. The importance of personal hygiene.


Movement and maintaining adequate positions. Doing physical activity. Wearing adequate clothes.


Sleep and rest. Recommendations for a good rest and sleep. Leisure activities. The importance of dedication time to leisure.


Avoid physical and emotional dangers. Self-esteem.


Communication with others and social interaction. Managing one's emotions.


Work and feel useful. The importance of activities that produce a sense of satisfaction.

  1. Each session starts with a breathing exercise that helps participants to center themselves in the group. Next they share the week's experiences and clarify doubts. Followed by the theoretical content about the subject of the session and the practical exercises that to be done during the next week. The session ends with a space to clarify doubts and share reflections that have come up through the exposure of the theoretical concepts.
  2. At the end of each session we hand out texts to be kept in their files and that will form, at the end of the Health Workshop, a MANUAL OF HEALTH CARE AND MAINTENANCE.