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Table 1 Methods and definitions (selected examples derived from Bartholomew, et al., 2011, chapter 6[1])

From: Methods for environmental change; an exploratory study



Methods at the Environmental Level (Bundling)

*Participatory Problem Solving [3]

Diagnosing the problem, generating potential solutions, developing priorities, making an action plan, and obtaining feedback after implementing the plan.

*Advocacy and Lobbying [4]

Arguing and mobilizing resources on behalf of a particular change; giving aid to a cause; active support for a cause or position.

Mobilizing Social Networks [5]

Encouraging social networks to provide informational, emotional, appraisal, and instrumental support.

*Organizational Diagnosis and Feedback [6]

Assessing of organizational structures and employees’ beliefs and attitudes, desired outcomes and readiness to take action, using surveys and other methods.

Community Development [7]

A form of community organization, based on consensus, in which power is shared equally and members engage together in participatory problem solving.

*Social Action [7]

A form of community organization, based in conflict, in which disenfranchised people wrest power from the official power.

*Forming Coalitions [8]

Forming an alliance among individuals or organizations, during which they cooperate in joint action to reach a goal in their own self-interest.

Agenda Setting [9]

Process of moving an issue to the political agenda for action; may make use of advocacy and media when initiated from outside government.

Methods at the Individual Level (Bundling)

*Persuasive Communication [10]

Guiding individuals and environmental agents toward the adoption of an idea, attitude, or action by using arguments or other means.

*Modeling [11]

Providing an appropriate model being reinforced for the desired action.

*Feedback [12]

Giving information to individuals and environmental agents regarding the extent to which they are accomplishing learning or performance, or the extent to which performance is having an impact.

*Reinforcement/Punishment [12]

Providing reinforcement: linking a behavior to any consequence that increases the behavior’s rate, frequency or probability.Providing punishment: linking a behavior to any consequence that decreases the behavior’s rate, frequency or probability.

*Consciousness Raising [13]

Providing information, feedback, or confrontation about the causes, consequences, and alternatives for a problem or a problem behavior.

*Goal Setting [14]

Prompting planning what the person will do, including a definition of goal-directed behaviors that result in the target behavior.

*Facilitation [15]

Creating an environment that makes the action easier or reduces barriers to action.

*Information About Others’ Approval [16]

Providing information about what others think about the person’s behavior and whether others will approve or disapprove of any proposed behavior change.

*Resistance to Social Pressure [17]

Stimulating building skills for resistance to social pressure.

Guided Practice [11]

Prompting individuals to rehearse and repeat the behavior various times, discuss the experience, and provide feedback.

Individual Level and Environmental Level Methods (At and From)*

Tailoring [18]

Matching the intervention or components to previously measured characteristics of the participant.

Direct Experience [19]

Encouraging a process whereby knowledge is created through the interpretation of experience.

Systems Change (Env.) [20]

Interacting with the environment to change the elements and relationship among elements of a system at any level, especially through dialogue with stakeholders, action, and learning through feedback.

Coercion (Env.) [21]

Attempting to control others against their will.

Technical Assistance (Env.) [22]

Providing technical means to achieve desired behavior.

Sense-Making (Env.) [23]

Leaders reinterpret and relabel processes in organization, create meaning through dialogue, and model and redirect change.

Team Building & Human Relations Training (Env.) [6]

Grouping development activities based on the values of human potential, participation, and development.

Structural Redesign (Env.) [24]

Change organizational elements such as formal statements of organizational philosophy, communication flow, reward systems, job descriptions, and lines of authority.

Increasing Stakeholder Influence (Env.) [25]

Increase stakeholder power, legitimacy, and urgency, often by forming coalitions and using community development and social action to change an organization’s policies.

Reporting, Social Planning [26]

Using information based on research to address issues.

Media Advocacy (Env.) [27]

Expose environmental agents’ behaviors in the mass media to order to get them to improve health related conditions. A type of advocacy.

  1. *: Method is used in both parts of the study; definitions are only given once.