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Table 3 Effects of text4baby and co-variates on improvements in outcome variables from baseline to follow-up

From: Pilot evaluation of the text4baby mobile health program

OR, (95% CI) p-value

Eating 5 or more fruits and vegetables per day is important to the health of my developing baby

Taking a prenatal vitamin is important to the health of my developing baby

I am prepared to be a new mother

If I visit my health care provider on a regular basis, I will be a healthy new mother

If I visit my health care provider on a regular basis, my baby will be healthy

Smoking will harm the health of my developing baby

Drinking alcohol will harm the health of my developing baby

Taking prenatal vitamins will improve the health of my developing baby

Effect of text4baby on improvement in agreement

1.04 (0.40-2.73), p = 0.928

1.46 (0.52-4.14), p = 0.474

2.73 (1.04-7.18), p = 0.042

1.87 (0.69-5.08), p = 0.221

1.47 (0.56-3.84), p = 0.432

1.17 (0.41-3.36), p = 0.757

0.65 (0.21-2.02), p = 0.457

0.75 (0.32-1.79), p = 0.529

Effect of HS > education on overall agreement

1.61 (0.66-3.91), p = 0.293

2.25 (0.90-5.65), p = 0.084

1.99 (0.75-5.31),p = 0.168

2.29 (0.89-5.88), p = 0.084

1.84 (0.734-4.62), p = 0.193

2.09 (0.85-5.14), p = 0.106

2.80 (1.13-6.90) p = 0.026

2.44 (1.00-5.95), p = 0.051

Effect of HS > education on improvement in agreement

2.51 (0.96-6.58), p = 0.062

2.38 (0.84-6.74), p = 0.102

2.11 (0.77-5.77), p = 0.144

1.50 (0.56-4.04), p = 0.418

1.80 (0.71-4.57), p = 0.214

2.51 (0.89-7.03), p = 0.081

3.57 (1.13-11.24), p = 0.029

1.62 (0.67-3.90), p = 0.281