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Table 1 Results of pooled analysis and qualitative grading according to GRADE criteria for outcomes of interest for inclusion in the LiST:

From: Effect of balanced protein energy supplementation during pregnancy on birth outcomes

Quality Assessment

Summary of Findings



No of patients


No of studies




Generalizability to Population of Interest

Generalizability to Intervention of interest



Relative Risk (95% CI)

Impact of balance protein energy supplementation on small for gestational age: Quality of evidence - Moderate

6[28, 30–32, 35, 37]

RCTs / Cluster RCT/ Quasi RCTs

Two studies were quasi experimental trial. Sequence generation and allocation concealment was not adequate in some of the included studies.

No heterogeneity in the pooled data (I2 =0%). p= 0.65

Studies conducted in both developed and developing countries.

Protein content of Supplement for intervention group ranged from 30 g to 44 g per day. The protein content provided < 25 % of total energy content.



0.69 (0.56-0.85)

Impact of balance protein energy supplementation on neonatal mortality: Quality of evidence - Low

3[30, 37, 41]

RCTs/ Cluster RCT/ Quasi RCTs

One quasi-experimental design. Allocation concealment was not adequate for one of the included cluster randomized controlled trial. Large loss to follow up in included studies.

No heterogeneity. (I2 =0) p=0.81

One study from developed country and two from developing countries

Protein content of Supplement for intervention group ranged from 30 g to 44 g per day. The protein content provided < 25 % of total energy content.



0.63 (0.37-1.06)