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Table 3 Estimates of protective efficacy of case management with intravenous quinine for children hospitalized with P. falciparum malaria

From: Protective efficacy of malaria case management for preventing malaria mortality in children: a systematic review for the Lives Saved Tool

CFR range among children not receiving effective treatment

Estimated CFR range among children receiving intravenous quinine

PE range using CFR of 3.4% for treated and 13-21% for untreated

Midpoint PE of column 3

Lower bound

Upper bound


3.4% (95% CI 1.6-5.2)





  1. CFR: case fatality ratio
  2. Protective efficacy = (1-Relative risk) * 100, where Relative risk = CFR receiving intravenous quinine / CFR not receiving effective antimalarial
  3. Lower bound based on sensitivity analysis where CFR among treated children is the upper bound for 95% confidence interval and CFR among untreated children is the lower of the two values for untreated children.
  4. Upper bound based on sensitivity analysis where CFR among treated children is the lower bound for 95% confidence interval and CFR among untreated children is the higher of the two values for untreated children.