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Table 8 Cause-specific mortality effect and GRADE of the estimates for obstetric care packages on intrapartum-related neonatal deaths

From: Care during labor and birth for the prevention of intrapartum-related neonatal deaths: a systematic review and Delphi estimation of mortality effect

Effect of Comprehensive Emergency Obstetric Care

Cause specific mortality to act on:

Intrapartum related neonatal deaths

Quality of input evidence:

Very Low – effect estimates derived from Delphi panel consensus

Low quality supporting evidence (8 observational, 1 quasi-experimental)

GRADE recommendation

Strong, based on clear biological mechanism

Cause specific effect and range:

Reduction in intrapartum related neonatal deaths: 85%; IQR 67.5-87.5%

Limitations of the evidence:

Evidence without cause-specific mortality effect, and with varying content of packages and varying contexts for evaluation. Only one quasi experimental design study identified

Effect of Basic Emergency Obstetric Care

Cause specific mortality to act on:

Intrapartum related neonatal deaths

Quality of input evidence:

Very Low – effect estimates derived from Delphi panel consensus

No studies identified specifically of BEmOC with perinatal health outcomes reported

GRADE recommendation

Strong based on clear biological mechanism

Cause specific effect and range:

Reduction in intrapartum related neonatal deaths: 40%; IQR 40-52.5%

Limitations of the evidence:

No evidence available regarding effect of this specific package, even from observational designs.

Effect of Skilled Childbirth Care

Cause specific mortality to act on:

Intrapartum related neonatal deaths

Quality of input evidence:

Very low – effect estimates derived from Delphi panel consensus

Low quality supporting evidence (2 Quasi-experimental, 8 observational)

GRADE recommendation


Cause specific effect and range:

Reduction in intrapartum related neonatal deaths: 25%; IQR 15-30%

Limitations of the evidence:

Single study with cause-specific mortality effect. For the studies identified the content of the packages tested and the contexts for evaluation and evaluation designs were variable

Effect of Trained Traditional Birth Attendants

Quality of input evidence:

Low quality supporting evidence (3 cRCT, 1 quasi-experimental, 5 observational)

GRADE recommendation

Conditional, dependent on local context and health system

Cause specific effect and range:

Not estimated for LiST since GRADE recommendation is conditional

Limitations of the evidence:

Supporting evidence without cause-specific mortality effect, and with varying content of packages and varying contexts for evaluation. 5 studies primarily of TBA training in neonatal resuscitation that is NOT included as part of the estimate for childbirth care package