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Table 3 Guide to qualitative longitudinal analysis [59]

From: A longitudinal qualitative study examining the factors impacting on the ability of persons with T1DM to assimilate the Dose Adjustment for Normal Eating (DAFNE) principles into daily living and how these factors change over time

Framing questions

   • What is different from one round of data to the next

   • When do changes occur through time

   • What contextual and intervening conditions appear to influence and affect participant changes through time

   • What are the dynamics of participant changes through time

   • What preliminary assertions about participant changes can be made as data analysis progresses?

Descriptive questions

   • What increases or emerges through time

   • What is cumulative through time

   • What kinds of surges or epiphanies occur through time

   • What decreases or ceases through time

   • What remains constant or consistent through time

   • What is idiosyncratic through time

   • What is missing through time

Analytic and interpretive questions

   • Which changes interrelate through time

   • Which changes through time oppose or harmonize with natural human development or constructed social processes

   • What are participant or conceptual rhythms e.g. cycles through time

   • What is the through-line of the study?