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Table 3 Solutions to health inequalities based on social/structural explanations

From: From causes to solutions - insights from lay knowledge about health inequalities

Physical environment

...I immediately think of the Port and the industry that was there and the contaminants in the soil... that would come down to building regulations. (Tim, 34, Pr)

Social networks

I'd be looking at building up the social capital. Developing networks of people and communities and um, trying to improve people's participation in community and in education. I'd certainly be making public transport free. (Michelle, 53, Pr)

Social and financial supports

...more support and more money available to support people who have fallen through the cracks for whatever reason... (Jessica, 50, B)


...childcare...transport...and more local doctors... (Evette, 34, O)

Income levels

Institute a wealth tax. (Frank, 52, Pl)