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Table 1 Knowledge, Attitude and Perception (KAP) on chikungunya in villages in Tumkur District, Karnataka, India, March 2006

From: Comparative efficacy of two poeciliid fish in indoor cement tanks against chikungunya vector Aedes aegyptiin villages in Karnataka, India


Respondents (n= 50)

1. Do you know about the fever in your area?

Yes-39 (78.0%)

No-11 (22.0%)

2. Do you know what causes this fever?

No-36 (72.0%)

Dengue fever -3 (6.0%)

Dirty air -1 (2.0%)

Rats-1 (2.0%)

Mosquitoes-9 (18.0%)

3. Do you know that mosquitoes spread this fever?

No-39 (78.0%)

May be- 2 (4.0%)

Yes-9 (18.0%)

4. What do you do when someone in your family gets this fever?

Go to hospital-48 (96.0%)

Not certain- 2 (4.0%)

5. What do you think is the cure for this fever?

Control mosquitoes-1 (2.0%)

Medicine-46 (92.0%)

Drinking water- 1 (2.0%)

Do not know-2 (4.0%)

6. Do you know where these mosquitoes breed?

Stagnant dirty water-33 (66.0%)

Cracks in walls-1 (2.0%)

Earth and air -1 (2.0%)

Do not know- 15 (30.0%)

7. What are the water storage facilities in your house?

Cement tanks-33 (66.0%)

Metal/Plastic containers-9 (18.0%)

Earthen pots- 7 (14.0%)

Overhead tanks-1 (2.0%)

8. Do you cover them?

Yes-39 (78.0%)

Sometimes-2 (4.0%)

No-9 (18.0%)

9. How often do you clean and dry the containers?

Less than 1 week-33 (66.0%)

More than 1 week -14 (28.0%)

Non-response-3 (6.0%)

10. How do you protect yourself from mosquito bites in day and night?

No protection-24 (48.0%)

Protection*-26 (52.0%)

11. Do you know that fish can control mosquito larvae?

Yes - 4 (8%)

No - 46 (92%)

12. Will you co-operate if we introduce control measures?

Yes-50 (100.0%)

  1. *Protection measures-Coils, nets, fans, Neem (Azadirachta indica) smokes.