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Table 2 Explanation of different disciplines and treatment parts

From: Cost-effectiveness of intensive inpatient treatments for severely obese children and adolescents in the Netherlands; a randomized controlled trial (HELIOS)

Disciplines/treatment parts

Explanation of disciplines/treatment parts

Parents course (parents)

A course of several meetings for the parents in which different topics related to the treatment are being discussed under supervision of the social worker, such as making choices or handling temptations.


Temporarily therapy leave. A period with a maximum of 1 week in which the children of treatment A go home during the inpatient period to practice learned behavior in a normal setting during weekdays.

Education/group-activity children

Several topics related to the treatment are being discussed with the children under supervision of the group coaches such as motivation, bullying and self image

Activities with the children are supervised by the group coaches. This can be something active like sport games or something to put an educational topic into practice.

Education/group activity/training parents and children

The educational sessions for both children and the parents together are always supervised by the group coaches and a social worker. Several topics related to the treatment are being discussed and occasionally the pediatrician or psychologist or dietician visits the session to discuss a certain topic.

Activities with the children and their parents supervised by the group coaches and social worker. This can be something active like sport games or something to put an educational topic into practice.