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Table 2 Five Stages of Change, its characteristics and relevant strategies (Kendra C 2010)

From: Randomised-controlled trial of a web-based dietary intervention for patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: Study protocol of myDIDeA





• Not intending to change in the next 6 months.

•In denial or ignorant of the problem.

•Encourage the patient to self-analyse and rethink his/her behaviour.

•Explain the risks of current behaviour.


•Intending to change in the next 6 months.

•Having conflicting emotion.

•Weigh the pros and cons of changing behaviour.

•Address barriers and encourage confidence.


•Planning to change in the next 30 days and have made a previous attempt to improve.

•Experimenting and collecting information about change.

•Prepare an action plan or goal.

•Motivate the patient to change.


•Taking actions towards achieving the goal for at least the last 6 months.

•Encourage the patient to seek social support and motivate him/her to sustain the behaviour.

•Reward for the success.


•New behaviour is sustained for at least 6 months.

•Strategies to cope with temptation.

•Reward for the success.