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Table 3 Odds ratios for the association of positive symptoms with a diagnosis of asthma

From: Asthma in an Urban Population in Portugal: A prevalence study

From the patients' questionnaire, the following items were positive:

Asthma cases (n = 59)

Doubtful cases (n = 39)

O.R. (95% CI)

Any history of wheezing

57 (96%)

38 (97%)


Wheezing in the last 12 months

40 (67%)

22 (26%)


Wheezing after exercise

19 (32%)

4 (10%)

4.2 (1.2-18.1)

Wake up from wheezing

23 (39%)

6 (15%)

3.4 (1.1-11.7)

Night time dry cough

40 (67%)

20 (51%)


Personal history of asthma

45 (76%)

8 (20%)

12 (4.2-37.9)

Told by a doctor they have asthma

47 (80%)

8 (20%)

14.6 (5-47)

Use of SABA in last 12 months

29 (49%)

1 (3%)

35.6 (5-1358)

Use of LABA in last 12 months

10 (17%)

1 (3%)

7.6 (1.00-345)

Use of Inhaled steroid in last 12 months

24 (40%)

1 (3%)

25 (3.7-1099)

Use of LABA-steroid in last 12 months

4 (7%)

1 (3%)


Use of leukotriene in last 12 months

11 (19%)