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Table 3 Estimated odds ratios of sick leave on an exposed day relative to an unexposed day

From: Work-related psychosocial events as triggers of sick leave - results from a Swedish case-crossover study

Type of work-related psychosocial event

Case period

Control period


95% CI

Problems in the relationship with a superior

Last two workdays before first sick-leave day

Two-week usual frequency




Matched pair control period, last two workdays before case period1



Problems in the relationship with colleagues

Last two workdays before first sick-leave day

Two-week usual frequency




Matched pair control period, last two workdays before case period2



Discriminated, bullied, sexually harassed, or harassed in other way

Last two workdays before first sick-leave day

Two-week usual frequency




Matched pair control period, last two workdays before case period3



Unpleasant tasks, not skilled enough, wants to get out of

First sick-leave day

Two-week usual frequency




Matched-pair control period, last workday before case period4



Very stressful work situation; unusually high workload, tight deadline, more tasks, or larger field of responsibility

First sick-leave day

Two-week usual frequency




Matched-pair control period, last workday before case period5



  1. Odds ratios (OR) and surrounding 95% confidence intervals are presented for the two different analytical approaches of control information.
  2. 1 There were 7 cases who reported problems in the relationship with a superior only during the last two workdays before sick leave, as compared to 3 cases who reported exposure only during the last two workdays before the case period. Twenty cases were exposed during both periods.
  3. 2 There were 5 cases who reported problems in the relationship with colleagues only during the last two workdays before sick leave, as compared to 2 cases who reported exposure only during the last two workdays before the case period. Six cases were exposed during both periods.
  4. 3 There was 1 case who reported being discriminated, bullied, sexually harassed or harassed in other way only during the two workdays before sick leave, and 1 case who reported exposure only during the last two workdays before the case period. One case reported exposure during both periods.
  5. 4 There were 6 cases who reported exposure to unpleasant tasks only during the first sick-leave day, as compared to 5 cases who reported exposure only during the last workday before sick leave. Ten cases were exposed during both periods.
  6. 5 There were 27 cases who reported exposure to a very stressful work situation only during the first sick-leave day, as compared to 10 cases who reported exposure only during the last workday before sick leave. Thirty-six cases were exposed during both periods.