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Table 1 Environmental, animal husbandry, household and socio-demographic factors associated with occurrence of and respondent's knowledge on mycobacterial infections among the pastoral communities in the districts of Nakasongola and Mubende, Uganda.

From: Factors associated with pastoral community knowledge and occurrence of mycobacterial infections in Human-Animal Interface areas of Nakasongola and Mubende districts, Uganda

Exposure variable



Nakasongola and Mubende


Kiyuni, Madudu, Nabiswera and Lwampanga


Male, Female


Baganda, Banyoro, Bakiga, Baruli, Banyankole and Basoga

Marital status

Married, Single, Divorced

Family sizes

<10, 10-20 and 20-30 persons


Pastoralist, Peasant, Hunter, Business man, Herdsman

Role in cattle or any animal management

None, Herding, Milking, Watering

Source of drinking water

Stream, Borehole, Valley dam, Pond, Spring

Source of water for domestic use

Stream, Borehole, Valley dam, Pond, Spring

Receptacle for storing water for daily use

Clay, Gourd, Plastic, Pond, Spring

Sharing water sources with other animals


Occurrence of wildlife at the water source.


The type of Wildlife-water source.

No recall, Monkey, Rabbits

Use of separate receptacle in drinking and domestic water storage.


Presence of the sediment in the domestic water receptacle

Absent, Always, Sometimes.

Frequency of cleaning the container

Daily, twice a week, once week

Water related human diseases

Diarrhoea, Cough, Worms, Malaria

Average number of rooms present in household

1-2, 3-5 and > 6 rooms

Average number of windows

0, 1-2, 3-5 and >6 windows

Number of people sleeping together in a single room

1-3, 3-5 and 6-9 people

The period drinking water lasts in the container

A few hours, 1-3 days

Keeping animals in the human shelter at night


Diagnosis of TB adenitis and other mycobacterioses

Not diagnosed, Diagnosed

Diagnosis and treatment done following TB illness


Heard/seen signs of adenitis


Site of adenitis noticed in the patient within the family or community

No recall, Cervical, Inguinal