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Table 2 Deductive research questions and variables' description

From: Evaluation of health promotion in schools: a realistic evaluation approach using mixed methods

Research question


Dependent variables

Independent variables






What is the influence of the strategies developed through the intervention in the development of HP practices at school and class levels?


- qual:

Perception of HP

- qual


Collective HP practices

yes/no - qual: types

Institutional recommendations/policy

- qual


of practices


- qual


Perception of HP

- qual



- qual


Perceived self-efficacy

- qual


- qual:


- qual


Individual HP practices

yes/no - qual: types

Institutional recommendations/policy

- qual


of practices

Availability of pedagogical tools

- qual



- qual + quan


Community's solicitations

- qual


School climate

- quan: score


School characteristics

- qual

What is the influence of These practices on well-being in the school setting? On the relationship established with parents?

From teachers' point of view

Perceived school climate (teachers)

- quan: score

Collective HP practices

- qual: yes/no


From children's point of view

Perceived school climate (children)

- quan: score

Individual HP practices

- qual: types of practices



- quan: score

School characteristics (rural/urban; educational priority status; school size; socio-economical status...)

- qual


From families' point of view

Perceived school climate (families)

- quan: score


Relationship with parents

quan: score

The actors' perceived school climate

- quan: score


As above with the addition of:


What is the impact of the perception of the life in school on children's perception of their life skills?


Children's perception of their life skills

- quan: score


- quan: score


- qual

Relationship with parents

- quan: score

  1. quan: quantitative variable, qual: qualitative variable, HP: health promotion