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Table 2 Focus Group Guide

From: Sexual and reproductive health issues facing Southeast Asian beer promoters: a qualitative pilot study

Focus Group Question

Explanation of Question/Probes

1. What do you feel are the issues that affect the sexual and reproductive health of beer promoters?

We define sexual health as the freedom of the woman to have sex with whom she chooses and to keep safe from sexually transmitted infections. We define reproductive health as the freedom of the woman to choose if, when and with whom she chooses to have children with, and access to quality health care during her pregnancy and at the time of delivery as well as access to effective and acceptable family planning measures.

2. Of the issues discussed above, what would you consider are the three most important? Why?

The women were encouraged to name the most important issues of the ones they have raised thus far in the discussion.

3. What do you think about the importance of these issues raised at the meeting, and how do they compare with the issues we discussed in number 2?

We recently coordinated a meeting of government, civil society organizations, academics, beer industry and beer promoters in Cambodia. There were representatives from Cambodia, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam at the meeting. The following three issues were thought to be the most important for future research on beer promoters at this meeting: health issues in the workplace, gender and social norms, and reproductive health issues (examples were provided for each: see Table 3).