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Table 1 Data set specifications for green space classification.

From: The association between green space and cause-specific mortality in urban New Zealand: an ecological analysis of green space utility

Data set

Spatial resolution


Department of Conservation (DOC) Conservation Boundaries data set (2003)


Legal boundaries of land administered by the DOC, and of land of interest to but not administered by the DOC. Attributes include legal designation (including specific Act) and site name.

Land Information New Zealand's (LINZ) Core Records System (2004)


Legal boundaries of land parcels across New Zealand, derived from the Core Records System's Survey, Title and Addresses data sets. Attributes include the purpose of any Statutory Actions on the parcels, although these purposes are not standardised, and are occasionally ambiguous.

Ministry for the Environment Land Cover Database 2 (LCDB2) (2001)

Lower resolution (intended scale 1: 50,000, minimum mapping unit = 1 ha).

61 land cover classes, derived from supervised and manual classification of Landsat 7 ETM+ satellite imagery and verified using some ground data. Specific land cover class provided as an attribute.