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Table 2 List of review articles by study type, population covered, and outcome measured*

From: Partner notification for sexually transmitted infections in developing countries: a systematic review


Study design

Population and settings

PN outcome measured


[36]Boonstra et al, 2003 (Low)

Observational study

224 STI patients (89 men135 women) in primary care centers in Botswana

Proportion of patients given PN counseling

Patient oriented notification, Nurse or the Family welfare educator provided counseling

[52]Chilongozi et al, 1996 (Low)

Cross sectional survey

103 STI service providers and 150 STI patients in regional hospitals in Malawi.

Proportion of patients given partner referral advice

Patient oriented notification Medical officer, clinical officers provided counseling

[29]Faxelid et al 1997 (Moderate)

Pretest-posttest evaluation

400 STI patients, 200 each in intervention and control group in urban health centers in Zambia

Proportion of patients willing to notify or refer partners

Patient oriented notification, Trained counselor provided PN counseling

[40]Grosskurth et al, 2000 (Moderate)

Intervention evaluation studies

12895 cases with STI symptoms (5959 men, 6936 women) in rural health centers in Tanzania

Proportion of partner treated, Partner card given to all patients

Patient oriented notification, No indication of who provided health education

[30]Green et al, 1998 (Moderate)

Pretest-posttest evaluation

628 STI service providers in Jamaica

Proportion of STI given advice for PN

Patient oriented notification, No indication of counseling

[41]Hanson et al, 1997 (Low)

Observational study

59 STI patients (42 men, 17 women) in one urban and two rural clinics

Proportion of the providers offer PN counseling

Patient oriented notification Clinical rural clinics officer provided counseling

[31]Harrison et al 1998 (Moderate)

Descriptive study

Exit interview of 49 STI patients, 44 simulated clinic visits, 10 FGDs in rural area in South Africa

Availability and acceptability of PN initiatives

Patient oriented notification

No indication of counseling

[54]Harrison et al 1997 (Low)

Qualitative study

15 in-depth interview STI clinic attendees in rural South Africa

Perceived beliefs and willingness of PN and referral.

Patient oriented notification No indication of counseling

[42]Jacob et al, 2004 (Moderate)

Cross sectional survey

405 men with STI symptoms and 129 drug stores or private clinics in Uganda

Proportion o and referred f partner notified

Patient oriented notification No indication of counseling

[39]Kamali et al, 2002


Community based trial

8437 adult men and women in rural Uganda

Willingness to refer partner and partner treatment rates

Patient oriented notification No indication who provided counseling

[53]Lafort et al, 2003


Observational study

215 client-contact observation and200 STI patients in family planning clinics in Cote d'Ivoire

Proportion of STI given advice Proportion partner notified

Patient oriented notification Midwives provided health education

[33]Malta et al, 2007


Qualitative study

30 men and women with diagnosed STIs in 2 public clinics in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Proportion of STI patients given advice for partner referral

Patient oriented notification

No indication of counseling

[64]Mathews et al, 1998


Cross sectional study

331 STI patients (170 men, 161 women) in urban health centers in South Africa

Proportion of STI patients offered PN card

Patient oriented no Nurse and health educator notification provided counseling

[65]Mayaud et al, 1998 (Moderate)

Prospective follow-up study

12,534 men and women rural area in Tanzania

Proportion patient notified and referred

Patient oriented notification

health education provided by trained health workers

[32]Manhart et al 2000 (Moderate)

Qualitative study

70 in-depth interviews of general population and STI providers in rural and urban Morocco

Awareness and acceptability of PN

Patient oriented notification

No indication of counseling services

[35]Mertens et al, 1998 (Moderate)

Observational study

108 observed consultation for STI services in India

Proportion of patients were asked to refer partner or counseled

Patient oriented notification

No indication of counseling

[43]Ndulo et al, 1995


Descriptive study

179 STI patients (92 men, 87 women) in urban primary care centers in Zambia

Proportion of partner notified

and treated

Patient oriented notification No indication of counseling

[44]Sano et al, 2004 (Moderate)

Descriptive study

female sex workers visited STD clinics in four provinces in Cambodia

Proportion of partner notified and treated

Patient oriented notification No indication of counseling

[45]Wang et al 2007 (Moderate)

Cross sectional study

1072 migrant population visited19 public STD clinics in three provinces in China

Proportion of partner notified by index men and women

Patient oriented notification No indication of counseling

[28]Wynendaele et al, 1995 (Moderate)

Pretest-posttest evaluation

299 STI patients (137 men, 162 women) in two districts hospitals in Malawi

Intention of partner referral before and after counseling

Patient oriented notification Trained counselor provided counseling

  1. *partner notification was investigated as a secondary outcome in these studies