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Table 3 Variable description

From: Food diversity: its relation to children’s health and consequent economic burden




Health Complaints

Health complaints experienced by children with low food diversity (typhus, stomach ulcers, coughs, flu, and fever).

1 = Yes

0 = Otherwise

DDS (Dietary Diversity Score)

The food diversity score is divided into two parts, namely below average and above average

1 = Above the average (> 3.863222)

0 = Below the average (< 3.863222)

DSS (Dietary Serving Score)

The dietary serving score is divided into two parts, namely below and above average

1 = Above the average (> 16.74468)

0 = Below the average (< 16.74468)

Food intake

The frequency of meals the child eats in one day

Intervals ranging from 1 to 5

Age child

Age of children


Gender child

Child gender

1 = Boy

0 = Girl


Completed COVID-19 vaccine

1 = Yes

0 = Otherwise

Mother age

Age of mother



Mother’s employment status

1 = Work

0 = Housewife

HH income

Household income is divided into two parts, namely above and below average of all sample

1 = Above the average (> Rp. 2.290.237)

0 = Below the average (< Rp. 2.290.237)

HH member

Number of family members



Distance from home to health care facility

1 = More than 1 km

0 = Otherwise