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Table 2 Summary of Data to be Collected by Online Surveys Administered to TCs

From: Impact of new technologies on stress, attrition and well-being in emergency call centers: the NextGeneration 9–1-1 study protocol

2A. Primary Outcome Variables




Symptoms of stress [46]

Job Satisfaction

Attitudes and feelings about work which can range from positive and favorable (indicating job satisfaction) to negative and unfavorable attitudes (indicating job dissatisfaction) [31, 58]

Job Performance: Perceived Usefulness & Utility

Degree to which a person believes that using a particular system would enhance his/her job performance (perceived usefulness) and would be free of effort (perceived ease of use) [59,60,61]

Job Performance: Job-Fit/Job Complexity

Utilization of a new tool or system as strongly influenced by perception of expected consequences (complexity of use and fit between the job and what the technology offers) [62]

Job Performance: Professional Efficacy

The extent to which a person believes s/he can meet workplace demands can mitigate the effect of high job demands on stress and stress-related burnout [39]

2B. Moderators

Support Satisfaction

Perceptions of manager and co-worker social support as direct sources of stress as well as potential job resources and which influence appraisal of occupational stressors [38, 58, 63,64,65]

Network Conflict

Perceptions of manager and co-worker conflict as direct sources of stress and which influence appraisal of occupational stressors [65]


Having to handle several, multiple, possibly overwhelming tasks in a challenging environment with the potential of engendering task saturation. The technologies involved can influence perception of multi-tasking due to technology overload, uncertainty, and/or complexity [31, 32, 63, 66, 67]

Technologies & Task Load

Stress experienced by end users in organizations as a result of their use of ICTs, constant ICT changes and the physical, social and cognitive responses demanded by their use. Technostress is a combination of 5 different aspects or dimensions: techno-overload (ICTs force users to work faster and longer), techno-invasion (invasive effect of constantly being connected), techno-complexity (complexity associated with ICTs leads users to feel inadequate, forcing them to spend time and effort learning new skills), techno-insecurity (users feel threatened about losing their job due to ICTs) and techno-uncertainty (continual ICT changes and upgrades unsettle users and creates uncertainty about skills) [31, 32]


An individual’s exhaustive coping style which can adversely impact the individual’s health [14, 66, 68]

Attitude toward Behavior

Positive or negative feelings about performing the target behavior [60, 69]

Turnover Intention

An employee’s intention to leave or stay at their current place of employment or current job role/title which is important in relation to job satisfaction, a salient antecedent of turnover intent and a key mediating variable between the work environment and turnover intent [70].


Absence, distinguished by absence frequency, absence duration, and different types (illness-related sick leave vs work-related illness) [38, 64]

Specific Technologies

Perceptions of anticipated and actual impact of specific NG911 information sources on performance [71]

Work-Life Balance & Job Satisfaction

The extent to which an individual is engaged in and satisfied across different life roles—work role and family role—which is associated with quality of life and well-being, with a positive balance implying a high level 2of satisfaction and a negative balance suggesting a low level of satisfaction [72]

2C. Individual Characteristics & Open-Ended Items

Current Overall Work-Related & Non-Work-Related Stress Levels

Stress Coping Methods

Self-Care/Outside of Work Support

Attitude towards Overtime

Current & Preferred Position/Role

Current & Preferred Shift/Work Schedule