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Table 1 Characteristics of the study population (n = 159)

From: Validity and reliability of an adapted arabic version of the long international physical activity questionnaire


Total sample

Age (years)

33.1 ± 12.9

Gender, n (%)


50 (31.4)


109 (68.6)

Weight (kg)

67.1 ± 14.1

Height (cm)

167.2 ± 8.3

BMI (kg/m2)

23.9 ± 3.9

BMI categories, n (%)


7 (4.4)

 Normal weight

95 (60.1)


47 (29.7)


9 (5.7)

Daily MET-minutesa

1082.7 ± 3.7

Marital status, n (%)


100 (62.9)

 Engaged, married

56 (35.2)

 Divorced, separated, widowed

3 (1.9)

Occupational status, n (%)


49 (30.8)


50 (31.4)


60 (37.7)

Financial status, n (%)


54 (34)

 Moderately at ease

78 (49.1)

 Lower socioeconomic status

27 (17)

  1. BMI, body mass index; MET, metabolic equivalent task
  2. aDaily MET-minutes = Total physical activity MET-minutes/week divided by 7 = sum of (Total Work + Total Transport + Total Domestic and Garden + Total Leisure-Time MET-minutes/week scores) /7 [41]
  3. Values are displayed as mean ± standard deviation or number and percentage of participants