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Table 1 Summary of items available for the construction of the SEI-HS, by dimension and source

From: Social Exclusion Index-for Health Surveys (SEI-HS): a prospective nationwide study to extend and validate a multidimensional social exclusion questionnaire

Items Netherlands Pubic Health Monitor (PHM) identified in prior research

Items SCP index &

Items in the routine public health survey 2012

Excluded in OVERALS analysis

Dimension 1: Limited social participation

 *PHM1.I experience a general sense of emptiness #a

SCP1. I feel cut off from other people

PHM1. I experience a general sense of emptiness #


 *PHM2. There is always someone I can talk to about my day-to-day problems #a

SCP 2. There are people with whom I can have a good conversation

PHM2. There is always someone I can talk to about my day-to-day problems #


 *PHM3. There are plenty of people I can lean on when I have problems #a


PHM3. There are plenty of people I can lean on when I have problems #


 *PHM4. I miss the pleasure of the company of others #a


PHM4. I miss the pleasure of the company of others #


 *PHM5. I often feel rejected #a


PHM5. I often feel rejected #


 *PHM6. I miss having people around #a


PHM6. I miss having people around #


 *PHM7: There are enough people I feel close to #a


PHM7: There are enough people I feel close to #



SCP 3. There are people who genuinely understand me


 *PHM8. Little contact with neighbours and people in the street $

SCP 4. I have contact with neighbours

PHM8. Little contact with neighbours and people in the street $


Dimension 2: Material deprivation

 *PHM9. Had difficulty past year getting by on the household income #


PHM9. Had difficulty past year getting by on the household income #


*SCP 5. I have enough money to heat my home

SCP5. I have enough money to heat my home


*SCP 6. I have enough money for club memberships

SCP6. I have enough money for club memberships


*SCP 7. I have enough money to visit others

SCP7. I have enough money to visit others


*SCP 8. I have enough money to meet unexpected expenses

SCP8. I have enough money to meet unexpected expenses


Dimension 3: Inadequate access to basic social rights

 *PHM10. People in this neighbourhood generally do not get along with each other $

SCP 9. We all get on well in our neighbourhood

PHM10. People in this neighbourhood generally do not get along with each other $


 PHM11. The people in my neighbourhood help each other $


 PHM12. People in this neighbourhood can be trusted $


 PHM13. I prefer not to socialise with people in my neighbourhood $


 *PHM14. Degree of satisfaction with housing $

SCP 10. I am satisfied with the quality of my home

PHM14. Degree of satisfaction with housing $


 PHM15. Feeling unsafe during the day $


 PHM16. Feeling unsafe in the evening and at night $


*SCP 11. I didn’t receive a medical or dental treatment

SCP 11. I didn’t receive a medical or dental treatment


Dimension 4: Lack of normative integration


*SCP 12. I give to good causes

SCP 12. I give to good causes


*SCP 13. I sometimes do something for my neighbours

SCP 13. I sometimes do something for my neighbours


*SCP 14. I put glass items in the bottle bank

SCP 14. I put glass items in the bottle bank


*SCP 15. Work is just a way of earning money

SCP 15. Work is just a way of earning money

  1. *Item included in the routine public health survey 2012
  2. #Netherlands Pubic Health Monitor (PHM) mandatory [41]
  3. $PHM optional [41]
  4. &Vrooman and Hoff [34]
  5. aDe Jong Gierveld J, Kamphuis FH (1985) The development of a Rasch-type loneliness-scale. Appl Psychol Meas 9: 289–299. doi: 10.1177/014662168500900307