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Table 2 Theme-count table

From: Integrated agriculture programs to address malnutrition in northern Malawi

Basic themes identified

Organizing themes

Frequency in transcripts

Participants who mentioned theme (n = 67)

1. Appropriate gender roles for women and men

2. Tamed husbands

3. Love potion

4. Community disapproval of certain gender roles

• Social constructions of appropriate gender roles in child care

126 times

57 (85%)

1. Women’s enhanced control over resources

2. Improved understanding of gender relations

• Improved intra-household gender relations

103 times

53 (79%)

1. Increased legume consumption and dietary diversity

2. Improved knowledge about nutrition

3. The frequency of feeding different food groups

• Improved child care and feeding practices

134 times

61 (91%)

1. Co-learning involving all partners

2. A sense of local ownership of project

3. Intergenerational transfer of knowledge on local foods

• Community involvement and ownership of nutritional interventions

97 times

49 (73%)

  1. Note: Basic themes are listed in a descending order of frequency of occurrence in the transcripts
  2. Data Source: Table prepared following qualitative data analytical steps suggested by Baxter and Eyles [65], and Miles et al. [63]