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Table 2 Design- and Model-Based Prevalence Estimates for Behavioural Risk Factors in the Erie-St. Clair Region, by County

From: Estimating micro area behavioural risk factor prevalence from large population-based surveys: a full Bayesian approach





Erie-St. Clair Region

Males % (95 % CI)

Females % (95 % CI)

Males % (95 % CI)

Females % (95 % CI)

Males % (95 % CI)

Females % (95 % CI)

Males % (95 % CI)

Females % (95 % CI)

Current smoking


27.5 (25.2–29.9)

22.3 (20.2–24.4)

29.2 (26.7–31.6)

23.0 (21.0–25.1)

23.5 (21.8–25.2)

21.8 (20.1–23.4)

25.1 (23.8–26.4)

22.1 (20.9–23.3)

 Model 1b

28.5 (27.8–29.2)

20.6 (19.9–21.3)

29.2 (28.7–29.7)

21.9 (21.4–22.4)

25.8 (25.4–26.2)

21.3 (21.0–21.7)

27.1 (26.7–27.4)

21.3 (21.0–21.6)

 Model 2b

27.7 (26.8–28.6)

21.8 (20.8–22.8)

28.9 (28.6–29.2)

23.4 (23.1–23.7)

26.2 (26.0–26.4)

22.7 (22.5–22.9)

27.1 (26.9–27.2)

22.6 (22.5–22.8)

Excess bodyweight


58.4 (56.0–60.9)

43.5 (41.0–45.9)

61.4 (59.3–63.6)

46.4 (43.9–48.9)

61.3 (59.2–63.4)

46.6 (44.5–48.6)

60.8 (59.3–62.3)

45.9 (44.4–47.4)

 Model 1b

57.9 (57.6–58.2)

44.6 (44.3–45.0)

60.3 (60.0–60.6)

46.6 (46.2–47.0)

61.5 (61.3–61.8)

45.7 (45.5–46.0)

60.5 (56.8–64.1)

45.6 (45.5–45.8)

 Model 2b

58.0 (57.8–58.2)

44.5 (44.3–44.7)

60.2 (60.0–60.4)

46.7 (46.5–47.0)

61.6 (61.4–61.7)

45.7 (45.5–45.8)

60.5 (60.4–60.6)

45.6 (45.5–45.7)

  1. To obtain a design-based pooled prevalence estimate across all 5 CCHS cycles, the cycle-specific survey weights for each respondent were re-scaled based on the proportion that cycle contributed to the total weighted pooled population using Statistics Canada’s Bootvar program (1). The re-scaled weights were used to calculate the design-based prevalence estimates. The model-based prevalence estimates were aggregated to the micro area using post-stratification methods (see Additional file 1). The mean risk factor prevalence was calculated for each county, as well as the entire region (LHIN) for both models. Model 1 results are comparable to the design-based estimates, which do not adjust for income
  2. a The interval of variation of the design-based prevalence estimate is expressed as a 95 % confidence interval (CI). bThe interval of variation of the Bayesian model-based prevalence estimate is expressed as a 95 % credible interval (CI).
  3. Abbreviations: CCHS Canadian Community Health Survey, LHIN Local Health Integration Network
  4. (1) Statistics Canada. Bootvar: User Guide (Bootvar 3.1 – SAS Version). Ottawa. 2005