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Table 1 Computing sensitivity and specificity of stages of change for Physical Activity (PA)

From: Testing the validity of a stage assessment on health enhancing physical activity in a chinese university student sample

Stage algorithm

Actual physical activity criterion

Individuals meeting physical activity criterion

Individuals not meeting physical activity criterion

Individuals in active stages (F, E, Ma)



Individuals in inactive stages (NC, C, P)



  1. Note: NC = Not-considering; C = Considering; P = Preparing; F = Fluctuating; E = Exploring; Ma = Maintaining. Sensitivity = a/(a + c) = Proportion of individuals who are accurately classified as performing the activity over the total number who meet the criteria for the activity. Specificity = d/(b + d) = Proportion of individuals who are accurately classified as not performing the activity over the total number who don't meet the criteria for the activity