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Table 1 Sociodemographic characteristics of 168 Haitian immigrant students attending public high schools in the Boston area

From: Depression and post-traumatic stress disorder among Haitian immigrant students: implications for access to mental health services and educational programming


n (%)*

Categorical variables





90 (53.6%)


78 (46.4%)




16 (9.6%)


36 (21.6%)


115 (68.9%)

Primary language spoken at home


   Haitian Creole

164 (97.6%)


4 (2.4%)

Ability to speak English


   Very well

123 (74.1%)

   Some/very little/not at all

43 (25.9%)

Ability to read English


   Very well

132 (78.6%)

   Some/very little

36 (21.4%)

Currently living with:



116 (70.7%)


69 (45.4%)

Family owns/rents home


   Owns home

16 (10.7%)

   Rents home

133 (89.3%)

Safety of neighborhood


   Very/somewhat unsafe

36 (22.5%)

   Fairly/very safe

124 (77.5%)

Family having financial difficulties



97 (59.1%)


67 (40.9%)

Youth currently employed


   Full-time (40-50 hours per week)

3 (1.8%)

   Part-time (20-39 hours per week)

28 (16.7%)

   Part-time (<20 hours per week)

92 (55.1%)

   Not employed

44 (26.4%)

Continuous variables

Mean (SD)


Age (years) (n = 167)

18.8 (1.58)


Number of years living in U.S. (n = 168)

4.0 (1.67)


Number of people living in household (n = 164)

5.0 (1.56)


Number of children living in household (n = 166)

1.4 (1.11)


Number of rooms in household (n = 164)

2.6 (0.75)


Household density (# people/#rooms) (n = 159)

2.0 (0.62)


  1. *Percent may not reflect denominator of 168 for some characteristics due to missing data.