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Table 1 Measures of quitting behaviors, awareness of smoking related symptoms and perceived self-efficacy in quitting

From: Patterns of motivations and ways of quitting smoking among Polish smokers: A questionnaire study

A subject of evaluation


Motivation to stop smoking

A checklist of the following motives for quitting (one or more answers permitted): personal health problems (+ a multiple open-ended response to specify them), family member's illness, physician's advice, somebody else's instigation, cost, health concern, anxiety about family members' health, and other motives (+ a multiple open-ended response to define them).

Smoking cessation methods used

A question: "Which of the following smoking cessation aids were you using in any of your attempts to quit smoking? The checklist (one or more answers permitted): none, nicotine replacement therapy, psychotherapy, pharmacological treatment, bioresonance and other (+ a multiple open-ended response).

Mode of quitting

The question: "What mode of quitting were you commonly using at your quit attempts?: a/quitting abruptly, b/reduction of cigarette consumption.

Health consequences of smoking

The question: Have you ever suffered from a disease caused or aggravated by tobacco? ("yes"/"no").

Perceived self-efficacy in quitting

The question: "Do you consider you have quit smoking definitively? ("yes"/"no"/"don't know").