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Table 3 The rate of HIV infection among TB patients and pregnant women attending antenatal care in southern region of Ethiopia 2004 – 2005

From: The rate of TB-HIV co-infection depends on the prevalence of HIV infection in a community

Survey sites by zones*

ANC attendants with HIV % (N)

TB patients with HIV % (N)


Adjusted R2


Urban survey sites


   Sidama zone

9.48 (29/306)

17.84 (38/213)


   Wolaita zone

10.53 (26/247)

13.79 (12/87)


   Gedeo zone

9.46 (21/222)

18.11 (23/127)


   Bench Maji zone

2.25 (8/360)

32.5 (66/203)


   South Omo zone

1.72 (7/408)

35.29 (12/34)


   Kaffa zone

2.45 (8/326)

26.23 (16/61)


Rural survey sites


   Hadiya zone

2.7 (7/259)

9.17 (21/229)


   Gurage zone

4.5 (18/400)

13.14 (23/175)


   Gamo Goffa zone

1.48 (6/405)

10.61 (7/66)


   Silte zone

1.95 (8/411)

8.33 (4/48)


   Sheka zone



   Kambata Tembaro zone

2.24 (9/401)


All survey sites




< 0.001

  1. *The survey sites were areas where we conducted the two surveys in the same and different health institutions.
  2. R2-coefficient of determination weighed for the number of study participants
  3. P-value for adjusted R2 HIV = Human immunodeficiency virus, ANC = Antenatal care