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Table 6 Relative percentages (99% CI) of selected responses measuring women's knowledge about screening mammography over the course of the 1996 and 2003 NBCC Breast Health Surveys.*

From: The 2003 Australian Breast Health Survey: survey design and preliminary results


2003 BHS

1996 BHS

Change from 1996 BHS

Ever had mammogram

61.1 (58.3, 63.9)

55.0 (51.1, 57.9)


Recognition of BSA†

85.9 (83.9, 87.9)

87.9 (86.0, 89.8)


Eligible attendance at BSA


   For asymptomatic women‡

1.0 (0.4, 1.6)

1.3 (0.1, 1.9)


   Regardless of symptoms

94.5 (93.1, 95.9)

95.0 (93.7, 96.2)


Nomination of age of screening initiation



36.9 (34.0, 40.0)

26.3 (23.7, 28.9)



42.5 (39.4, 45.5)

59.4 (56.5, 62.4)


Nomination of age of screening cessation



5.4 (3.9, 6.8)

9.5 (7.8, 11.2)



61.4 (58.3, 64.5)

55.2 (52.2, 58.1)


Nomination of screening frequency



71.2 (68.5, 74.0)

58.7 (55.8, 61.6)



20.1 (17.7, 22.6)

26.7 (24.0, 29.4)


GP recommended mammographic screening§

62.1 (57.8, 66.4)

34.6 (30.0, 39.3)


Mammographic screening was free§

84.7 (81.4, 88.0)

84.0 (80.4, 87.6)


"Very confident" in arranging a screening mammogram

83.6 (80.2, 87.0)

65.8 (61.0, 70.5)


  1. * Abbreviations: BHS, Breast Health Survey; BSA, BreastScreen Australia; CI, confidence interval; GP, general practitioner.
  2. † In 1996, the national mammographic screening program was known nationally as the National Program for the Early Detection of Breast Cancer.
  3. ‡ Recommended by the BreastScreen Australia program.
  4. § Respondents were aged 50–69.