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Table 1 Guideline risk stratification and recommended antithrombotic therapy.

From: Implementing hospital guidelines improves warfarin use in non-valvular atrial fibrillation: a before-after study

Classes of thromboembolic risk:

Estimated stroke risk (%/year):

Patients' characteristics and risk factors*:


Very high risk


Previous ischaemic stroke or TIA or other embolic event

OAT strongly recommended

High risk, age <75


≥65 years and at least one risk factor

OAT strongly recommended

High risk, age ≥75


≥65 years and at least one risk factor

OAT or ASA recommended

Moderate risk


<65 years and at least one risk factor


≥65 years and no risk factors

OAT or ASA recommended

Low risk


<65 years and no risk factors

OAT not recommended

  1. * Risk factors for thromboembolic events include: hypertension, diabetes mellitus, heart failure or left ventricular systolic dysfunction, coronary heart disease. In patients with contraindications to OAT and high or very high risk of stroke the recommended prophylaxis was considered uncertain: any decision about the use of OAT, ASA or no prophylaxis should be individualised, balancing the benefits with the risks due to the contraindications. OAT, oral anticoagulant therapy; ASA, acetylsalicylic acid.