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Table 1 Baseline characteristics of sample (n = 3769)

From: Disabling knee pain – another consequence of obesity: Results from a prospective cohort study


n (%)

Male Female

1674 (44) 2095 (56)

Age group



2031 (54)


1194 (32)


544 (14)



   normal (20–24.9)

1577 (42)

   overweight (≥25 and < 30)

1584 (42)

   obese (≥30)

608 (16)


1015 (27)


818 (22)

Reside in deprived area

1189 (32)

Widespread pain

353 (9)

Previous knee injury

969 (26)

Any knee painb

1773 (47)

Severe knee painc

770 (21)

Chronic knee paind

928 (25)

Bilateral knee paine

876 (23)

  1. a BMI = body mass index (normal weight category includes individuals who were underweight).
  2. bBased on KNEST knee pain screening question: Have you had pain in the last year in or around the knee?
  3. cBased on responders to b (above) who also completed the WOMAC.
  4. dDefined as more than three (not necessarily continuous) months of pain.
  5. eDefined as pain in both knees