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Table 6 Impact of additional resources

From: The acceptability and impact of a randomised controlled trial of welfare rights advice accessed via primary health care: qualitative study


I couldn't bear it [not having a car] ... just to have the car there is such a godsend and its gets you out anyway because my walking isn't so good. (Case 22, female, 78, weekly income increase £19 (€28, $34))

I am eating more fruit and things that you couldn't of bought before ... you don't need to think about, can I afford it? You can, and as I say, I buy more fruit. (Case 3, female, 72, weekly income increase £57 (€84, $101))

Occasional expenses

We have been quite depressed last month ... now we can afford petrol to go up the coast in the car. Tank full of petrol if we feel like it ... we cheered ourselves up ... whereas it would have been another miserable day ... it did us good. (Case 15, female, 64, weekly income increase £72 (€106, $128))

Capacity to cope with crises

We have always been in the position where we have never had an awful lot of cash in the bank ... if we got an emergency we have got something there for it now. (Case 7, male, 75, weekly income increase £39 (€58, $69))

Peace of mind

[it makes] all the difference in the world. From being worried about bills to not being worried, and to be able to keep the heating on and not bother when the bill mounts up a bit ... but now I needn't worry ... it's the best help of all really, the lack of worry about finance. The worst thing for me that depressed me and got me down more than anything was worrying about not being able to pay bills. (Case 19, female, 82, income increased through another welfare rights service prior to this study)