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Table 2 Experiences of the research process

From: The acceptability and impact of a randomised controlled trial of welfare rights advice accessed via primary health care: qualitative study

I feel that I'm enjoying it, I mean I've quite enjoyed listening and as I say, it's benefited us in more ways than one, because it's given me ideas and possibly it's given you ideas as well. (Case 8, male, 77)

I was apprehensive about going out, I thought maybe I had to go to a hospital meeting, and I found it wonderful, it's all in my own home. (Case 3, female, 72)

You look at the stature of the organisation involved and the people that come to see you. (Case 20, male, 72)

Some of the questions have been personal but there has been no sort of awkwardness and everything they have asked me I have answered ... and they have been very friendly ... there has been no sort of dictatorial attitude or anything. (Case 1, male, 75)

Basically, when someone comes and says, well it's totally confidential, I believe them that it is totally confidential. I mean I understand the Data Protection Act ... so you know, no problem whatsoever. (Case 18, male, 65)