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Table 1 Characteristics of low-income pregnant women in a validation study of the Harvard Service FFQ (HSFFQ)

From: Use of a food frequency questionnaire in American Indian and Caucasian pregnant women: a validation study


Phase 1: Three week-12 recalls + HSFFQ2 (n = 279) a

Phase 2: Three week-28 recalls + HSFFQ3 (n = 242) b

Complete study: Three week-12 recalls + three week-28 recalls + HSFFQ2 + HSFFQ3 (n = 237) c

Mean age (range)

24 (16–40)

24 (16–39)

24 (16–39)


n (%)

n (%)

n (%)



   American Indian

104 (37)

88 (36)

82 (35)


175 (63)

154 (64)

154 (65) d

Percent poverty level


   ≤ 100%

176 (63)

151 (62)

147 (62)

   101 to 133%

44 (16)

41 (17)

41 (17)

   134 to 185%

56 (20) e

50 (21)

49 (21)

Number of previous livebirths



120 (43)

100 (41)

98 (41)


78 (28)

69 (29)

67 (28)


46 (16)

43 (18)

43 (18)


23 (8)

22 (9)

22 (9)

   ≥ 4

11 (4) f

8 (3)

7 (3)

  1. Some percentages do not sum to exactly 100% due to rounding
  2. a Excluded if calories > 4500 (n = 3) or age < 16 (n = 1) on the HSFFQ2
  3. b Excluded if calories > 4500 (n = 2) or age < 16 (n = 2) on the HSFFQ3
  4. c Excluded if calories > 4500 (n = 5) or age < 16 (n = 3) on the HSFFQ2 or HSFFQ3
  5. d Excluding 1 participant with discordant ethnicity reported on the HSFFQ2 and HSFFQ3
  6. e Percent poverty level missing for 3 participants
  7. f Number previous livebirths missing for 1 participant