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Table 2 Behavioural change techniques used during the 10-week Walk to Work intervention

From: Views and experiences of behaviour change techniques to encourage walking to work: a qualitative study


BCT[12] NICE categories[16]

Walk to work intervention

1 (week 1) Getting Started

Intention formation (Goals and planning)

Employee decides to participate in the Walk to Work intervention and try to increase the amount of walking during the journey to and from work.

Barrier identification (Goals and planning)

Promoter works with participant to determine the benefits and barriers of walking to work and some proposed solutions. Participant’s booklet contains some examples of barriers and possible solutions.

Specific goal setting (Goals and planning)

Promoter and participant agree short (weeks 1–3), intermediate (in one month) and longer-term (in three months) goals. Worked examples provided in employee booklet.

Provide instruction (Goals and planning)

Promoter issues participants with booklet containing practical information, websites and a 10 week diary. Promoter booklet provides instructions on how to support the walkers.

Provide general encouragement (Social Support)

Promoter, family, friends and work colleagues provide encouragement and affirmation.

Self- monitoring of behaviour (Feedback and monitoring)

Participants asked to keep an optional record of walking behaviour in a diary. Promoter issues each employee with optional pedometer to monitor steps walked per day and can record steps in the diary.

2 (from week 3)

Techniques in contact 1 as appropriate

Participants encourage and support each other in changing their behaviour. Promoter offers assistance, encouragement, guidance and motivation to the employee. Participants encouraged to seek support from people outside the workplace such as family and friends.

Plan social support (Social support)

3 (from week 5)

Techniques in contact 1, 2 as appropriate

Promoter reviews intentions and short-, intermediate- and long-term goals to better suit the employee as necessary.

Review of behavioural goals (Goals and planning)

4 (from week 7)

Techniques in contact 1, 2, 3 as appropriate

Promoter identifies situations likely to result in participants readopting old behaviour or failure to maintain walking and helps plan to avoid or manage them recognising that it may take several attempts before walking to work becomes a habit.


Relapse prevention (Goals and planning)