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Table 1 Hypotheses and ASTAIRE criteria regarding how environment, intervention and population characteristics might affect outcomes

From: Stakeholders’ perceptions of transferability criteria for health promotion interventions: a case study

Research hypotheses

ASTAIRE tool criteria*

Hypotheses related to the population

ASTAIRE criteria related to the population

 l. People’s perceptions of their own health needs will influence their participation in the action and/or adherence to the behaviour.

 1. The epidemiologic and sociodemographic characteristics of the recipient population

 2. People’s representations of health (perception, norms, vulnerability, importance) will influence their participation in the action and/or adherence to the behaviour.

 2. The cognitive, cultural, social, and educational characteristics of the recipient population

 3. People’s perceptions of an intervention’s acceptability will influence their participation in the action and/or adherence to the behaviour.

 2. The cognitive, cultural, social, and educational characteristics of the recipient population

 4. People’s perceptions regarding the control they have over their own behaviour will influence their participation in the action and/or adherence to the behaviour.

 2. The cognitive, cultural, social, and educational characteristics of the recipient population

 5. People’s relationships with norms (social and health) will influence their participation in the action and/or adherence to the behaviour.

 2. The cognitive, cultural, social, and educational characteristics of the recipient population

 6. Each person’s own experience and history/the collective experience and history of a group will influence his/her/its participation in the action and/or adherence to the behaviour.

 2. The cognitive, cultural, social, and educational characteristics of the recipient population

 7. People’s interest in an intervention will influence their motivation to participate in the action/their adherence to the behaviour.

 3. The type of motivation in the intervention’s recipient population

 6. The recipients’ perceptions of the intervention’s utility

 7. The demand coming from the population

 8. The population’s perceptions of their own health needs

 10. The degree of involvement of recipients

 8. The climate of trust between an intervention’s providers and beneficiaries will influence people’s participation in the action.

 5. The climate of trust between providers and recipients

 9. The population’s participation in the action will influence individuals’ adherence to the behaviour.

 9. The level of participation among participants

 10. The population’s participation in the action will influence the result of the action and/or the intervention.

 9. The level of participation among participants

 10. The degree of involvement of recipients

 11. The population’s adherence to the behaviour – to the message being promoted – will influence the result of the action and/or the intervention.

Supplementary hypothesis

 12. Theories 1 to 7 will influence the operationalization of the intervention.

Supplementary hypothesis

Hypotheses related to the characteristics of the intervention

ASTAIRE criteria related to the characteristics of the intervention

 13. The skills of those implementing the intervention/the participants’ perceptions of the intervention’s utility/the intervention’s acceptability to the participants/the modalities used to mobilize actors will influence the partnerships (type, number, etc.) and/or the continuous adaptation of the intervention.

 17. The skills/capacities of the providers and of the project leader

 18. The providers’ belief in the utility of the intervention

 19. The acceptability to the intervention’s providers

 20. The providers’ mobilization

 14. Providing support to those involved in transferring the action will enable (or foster) its continuous adaptation/will influence the intervention’s implementation.

 22. Adaptations can be (or were able to be) made to the primary intervention in the replica context without altering its fundamental nature.

 23. The primary intervention has prepared and provided all the elements needed for its transfer. A knowledge transfer process exists in the replica setting.

 15. The intervention modalities (or methodology) used (strategies, action plan, communication) will influence the intervention’s implementation.

 21. The intervention methods

 16. The resources (material, financial, and human) available for the intervention will influence the intervention’s implementation/the accessibility (geographic, financial, and sociocultural) of the action to people.

 4. The accessibility of the intervention

 16. The resources for the intervention

 17. Antecedents or prior interventions, synergistic or antagonistic, will influence the intervention’s implementation/foster partnerships.

 13. Other elements of the implementation context

 14. The partners enlisted for the intervention

 18. Partnerships will foster the intervention’s implementation.

 14. The partners enlisted for the intervention

 19. The intervention’s implementation will influence its results.

Supplementary hypothesis

Hypotheses related to the environment

ASTAIRE criteria related to the environment

 20. The intervention’s institutional environment (political will, institutional support, etc.) will influence the intervention’s implementation/the resources available/the potential partnerships.

 12. The institutional environment directly influencing the intervention

 13. Other elements of the implementation context

 14. The partners enlisted for the intervention

  1. *The numbers refer to the criterion number in the ASTAIRE tool [22].