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Figure 2 | BMC Public Health

Figure 2

From: Integrating a framework for conducting public health systems research into statewide operations-based exercises to improve emergency preparedness

Figure 2

Agency-specific Profiles of Activated Key Capabilities. Figure 2 shows a graphical profile of public health capabilities activated by different agency types during the Statewide Exercise. For each of the graphs, the x-axis is numbered from 1 to 34, which are the numerical codes for the key capabilities defined in the Department of Homeland Security’s Target Capabilities List, 2007 (see legend). The y-axis for each graph indicates the percentage of the agency type that activated a given key capability. LHDs were treated as the “baseline”; its activated key capabilities were sorted in descending order of frequency, and the other agency types were arranged accordingly. The asterisk (*) indicates key capabilities reported by agencies other than LHDs that notably differed from LHDs. (Note: LEMSAs = local EMS agencies).

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