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Table 5 Local practices that transform pre-ulcers into ulcers

From: Illness meanings and experiences for pre-ulcer and ulcer conditions of Buruli ulcer in the Ga-West and Ga-South Municipalities of Ghana

Background characteristics of respondent


Procedure adopted

Father of 12-year-old female child

A herbalist cut the boil open and placed a herbal dressing on it.

Nodule was cut

Father of 4-year-old male child

We took him (son) to see his grandfather who cut the boil and it became a sore. His grandfather has been cutting other people’s boils that is why we took him to see him.

Nodule was cut

Father of 4- year-old male child

The boil became big and we cut it open and placed some herbal preparations on it.

Nodule was cut

A 13-year-old male respondent

My uncle used a sharp object to cut the boil so that the blood could come out. Then he applied some black powder and put some in alcohol for me to drink.

Nodule was cut

A 26-year-old female respondent

I burst the boil because I did not know what it was and then I cleaned the sore everyday with hot water.

Nodule was cut

A 48-year-old adult male respondent

My father put some herbs on the boil to open it up.

Herbs applied to the boil to open it up

An 18-year-old female respondent

My grandmother ground herbs mixed with salt and placed it on the boil so that it could burst.

Herbs applied to the boil to open it up

A 43-year-old female respondent

I had a swelling on my ankle for one week. My husband slit it and then it gradually became a big sore.

Oedema cut open

  1. *Narrative data of other respondents with ulcers (not presented in this table) suggests that herbal preparations were placed on nodules, oedemas and plaques to open up the skin to expose the necrotic tissues. Subsequently herbal dressings were applied to the exposed tissues.