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Table 4 Associations between drinking contexts and intimate partner violence among participants who used alcohol in the past three months in St. Petersburg, Russia (N = 373)

From: Alcohol misuse, drinking contexts and intimate partner violence in St. Petersburg, Russia: results from a cross-sectional study

Potential triggers

Adjusted ORa

Prefer liquor/sherry/vermouth

3.06 (0.90-10.41)

Usually drinking at street or park

5.62 (1.67-18.90)

Being married

6.23 (1.99-19.49)

Monthly income < 15,000 rubles

5.55 (1.91-16.13)

Alcohol misuse

6.35 (1.90-21.28)

  1. aOther socio-demographic variables, including age, sex, education and employment status, were not significantly associated with intimate partner violence and thus were not included in the model.