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Table 4 Sequence of the intended outcomes from the AITP over time

From: The Alcohol Intervention Training Program (AITP): A response to alcohol misuse in the farming community

Participation in the AITP

Changes in outcome measures of SFF health professionals

Behaviour changes in SFF health professionals

Changes in outcome measures of farm men and women

Behaviour changes in farm men and women


Measured pre and post-training and at a three month follow-up

Measured at post-training interviews and post-SFF program contact with farm men and women

Measured at baseline and post-SFF program contact with health professionals

Projected changes


-Knowledge of alcohol misuse

-Willingness to work with people who misuse alcohol

-Self-efficacy when working with people who misuse alcohol

-Perceived barriers to working with people who misuse alcohol

-Increased recognition of alcohol misuse

-Usage and anticipated usage of the AITP material

-Increased referral rates for alcohol-related problems

-Alcohol use and its impact (AUDIT [10] and SIP [11])

-Mental health (DASS21[12])

-Readiness to change (RTCQ [13])

-Reduced levels of alcohol misuse

-Improved mental health

-Reduced risk of associated physical harm

-Reduced risk of associated social and financial harm