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Table 1 Discussion topics and intervention content of MEND 2-4 program

From: Healthy eating and obesity prevention for preschoolers: a randomised controlled trial


Workshop Title

Discussion Topic(s)

Intervention Content


Welcome & introduction

Meet the leader and pre-program measurements

Meet and welcome the families to their first MEND 2-4 physical activity and snack-time session; parents complete all pre-program forms and questionnaires and accurate child and parent anthropometric measurements (height and weight) taken.



Introductions and individual expectations

Discussion of individual expectations and introduction of MEND 2-4 program and practicalities; Introduction of parents/carers to the behavioural model of parenting (customised as the 4Cs model (Causes, Consequences, Consistency and Copying) for the purposes of MEND 2-4).


Healthy eating for families

Healthy eating

Introduction to the five food groups, visual samples of excess sugar and fat found in foods. Discussion of appropriate treats and rewards and toddler intake of drinks.


Be healthy, get active!

Non-TV activities for toddlers

Importance of limiting TV watching among toddlers; Goal setting activity towards achievement of MEND 2-4 TV time guidelines (maximum of 1-2 hours of TV per day). Discussion of active play and activity ideas to replace time spent previously watching TV.


What's in your child's food?

Reading food labels

Reading food labels; MEND 2-4 label reading guidelines and identification of MEND 2-4 friendly food.


Food without fuss

Dealing with fussy eaters

Normalisation of fussy eating and common causes; importance of consistency around mealtimes and ideas for managing fussy eating behaviour.

Strategies to reduce fear and unhelpful parenting behaviour around food at mealtimes.


Portion sizes

Healthy eating and portion sizes

Introduction to the MEND 2-4 portion sizes with visual demonstration; demonstration of difference between toddler and adult portion sizes.


Fun with food

Cooking together

Demonstration of ideas for making food preparation fun and including fruits and vegetables, how to actively involve children in preparation of snacks and parents/carers and child having fun with food together.


Encouraging healthy habits

Rules, routines and tantrum management

Establishing health as a priority within the family life-cycle. Helpful strategies for dealing with behaviours that may be resistant to change. MEND 2-4 sleep guidelines for toddlers.


Farewell and graduation

Evaluation and measurement

Collection of post-program measurements; MEND 2-4 certificates provided; information about follow-up activities or other local groups they may like to attend at the end of the MEND 2-4 Program.